HID Origo Service Status

This page provides status information, planned maintenance and Incident history for the HID Origo services. Check back here to view the current status of the services listed below. If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please contact HID Global Technical Support.

All times listed on this site are in UTC unless otherwise noted.

Wednesday 26th June 2024

Unable to log into HID Reader Manager app

Update 15:07

The services are restored and operational. We are continuing to monitor the situation.


HID Reader Manager is currently experiencing a service disruption. We are working to address the issue as soon as possible and will provide updates on an ongoing basis until resolved.


Mobile App users may experience issues logging in to the app and configuring, inspecting or uploading firmware to HID SIGNO and HID iCLASS SE readers.


Production | HID Origo Management Portal